Details of the program: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qhvx0ybrA8LItYrJbfWQB1WiokU1Ynm9/view?usp=sharing

Preliminary Program
Program Coordinators:
Roswitha BRECKNER, University of Vienna, Austria, roswitha.breckner@univie.ac.atLena INOWLOCKI, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, inowlocki@soz.uni-frankfurt.de
The next important date is the registration deadline on March 20, 2018!
Please keep this deadline in mind and register even before in order not to get into last minute troubles. All those whose abstracts have been accepted but do not register until this date will be removed from the program. This is also the deadline for ‘early bird’ registration fees (see http://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/world-congress/toronto-2018/congress-registration/)