Thursday, May 9, 2019

RC38 Biography & Society – Call for Abstracts

Program Coordinators:
Hermílio Santos, PUCRS, Brazil,
Maria Pohn-Lauggas, University of Goettingen, Germany,

The call for abstracts is open from April 25th, 2019 to September 30th, 2019. Only abstracts submitted online can be considered:
No deadline extension is possible.

For full abstracts, please see here

Regular Sessions

Biography and ‘Middle Class’ in the Global South
Session organizers: Hendrik Hinrichsen (University of Goettingen), Johannes Becker (University of Goettingen)

Activism, Resistance and Biography
Session organizers: Eva Bahl (University of Goettingen), Sevil Çakır-Kılınçoğlu (University of Goettingen)

The Meaning of Flight in Biographies
Session organizers: Roswitha Breckner (University of Vienna), Susan Bell (Drexel University), Kathy Davis (University of Amsterdam)

Life Stories and Life Histories in the Context of Authoritarian Regimes
Session organizers: Gabriele Rosenthal (University of Goettingen), Artur Bogner (Berlin)

Indigenous Peoples and the Challenges of Their Rights from the Perspective of Their Different Biographies
Session organizer: Maria Sarah Telles (PUC Rio)

The Individual and the City – Urban Life (stories) a Neglected Area of Biographical Research
Session organizers: Johannes Becker (University of Goettingen), Nicole Witte (University of Goettingen)

Escaping Collective Violence. Biographical Perspectives on the Interrelation of Migration, Armed Conflicts and Social Transformation
Session organizer: Arne Worm (University of Goettingen)

Social Protests and Biographical Implications
Session organizers: Gwendolyn Gillieron (University of Frankfurt), Eren Yetkin (University of Frankfurt), Sara Park (University of Kyoto)

Joint Session with RC 33 (host): Discourse Analysis, Historical Analysis and Biographical Research: Multi-Method Approaches in Interpretive Empirical Research
Session organizers: Maria Pohn-Lauggas (University of Goettingen), Gabriele Rosenthal (University of Goettingen)

Invited Sessions (no abstracts can be submitted)

Future Perspectives of the Reconstructive Biography Research Tradition in Sociology
Session organizers: Irini Siouti (University of Frankfurt), Georgios Tsiolis (University of Crete)

Strong Emotions in Biographical Research – Interviewing, Analyzing, Writing
Session organizers: Roswitha Breckner (University of Vienna), Kathy Davis (University of Amsterdam), Lena Inowlocki (University of Frankfurt)

Different Perspectives on Biographies
Session organizers: Hermilio Santos (PUCRS), Michaela Koettig (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)

Additional sessions organized by RC-members

Historical Sociology – Biographical Research – Multigenerational Research, hosted by the Research Committee on “Historical Sociology (RC56)
Session organiszers: Gabriele Rosenthal and Hendrik Hinrichsen (University of Goettingen)  

Decolonizing Social Science Methodology – Overcoming Positivism and Constructivism, hosted by the Research Committees on “Logic and Methodology in Sociology” (RC33) and “Historical Sociology” (RC56)
Session organizers: Nina Baur, Manuela Boatcă, Fraya Frehse and Johanna Hoerning 

Digital Methods” hosted by the Research Committee on “Logic and Methodology in Sociology” (RC33)
Session organizers: Nina Baur, Lilli Braunisch, Peter Graeff and Malte Schweia